

OAuth 2.0 the authentication method used by QHR Technologies for the Accuro Rest API. For full details of the OAuth 2.0 Specification, click here.

Coding Standards

All coding is written using HTTP coding standards. When connecting and testing endpoints, if any HTTP codes are displayed, click here to see what they mean. A list of the common HTTP codes and what they mean are displayed below:

200 OK

  • Request has been successful
  • Information should be included in the response body
  • Used for successful GET requests

201 Created

  • Request has successfully created a new resource
  • Response body should include any generated identifiers
  • Used for successful POST requests

204 No Content

  • Request has been successful and the response contains no additional information
  • Used for successful DELETE or PUT requests

400 Invalid Request

  • Server has received the request but the body or some parameters are invalid
  • May contain information about what was invalid in the request

401 Unauthorized

  • Current authentication is not authorized to access the resource for this request
  • This may be due to not having a valid authentication with the server, or user permissions preventing access to the resource

404 Not Found

  • Resource cannot be found
  • Path may be incorrect or the user is requesting a resource that no longer exists

500 Internal Server Error

  • The Rest API service has encountered an error preventing the request from being fulfilled
  • A member of your development team member will need to look into the cause and fix the issue