As we move all AccuroEMR users to the Cloud, we know you have questions.
And this is where you’ll find the answers: about why we’re making this transition, what it means for you and your clinic, and how you can make the right decisions when it’s time to move.
Why the Cloud
is good for you
Better Security

As cybercrime grows in scope and scale, healthcare is becoming an increasingly common target. In 2019, over a billion dollars was paid out in the US alone as a result of ransomware attacks, creating a market that cyber criminals are eager to exploit.

While QHR has dedicated significant human and technological resources to protecting your data at our end, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is one of the best defenses you can mount as the custodian of your information. MFA is only available in a cloud-based environment, so making this move offers you another important layer of security.

Better Features

Working from the Cloud opens a path to other Accuro-related features that help you work smarter and more efficiently: The ACCUROgo Mobile Companion App lets Providers access key information in AccuroEMR on their smartphone or tablet, from home, hospital, or anywhere with an internet connection.

The new Accuro Admin Centre lets clinic System Administrators manage controls, like password resets, that could previously only be managed by our teams, meaning you spend less time on the phone and more time getting things done.

Accuro ePrescribing, now available in select provinces, lets you send prescriptions electronically to participating pharmacies. No more missed faxes, and questions can be answered with a quick, text-style message.

Why the Cloud
is good for Accuro
As your healthcare partner, we want to ensure your experience with Accuro is everything it should be. Accuro Cloud gives us more resources to make that happen.
More Efficient Rollout
Cloud computing gives us greater agility in developing new product features and responding to customer needs, saving us time and reducing costs.
When problems arise, we need to be able to respond immediately and effectively. Accuro Cloud helps us restart quickly from small failures and recover from major events within 24 hours, so you can keep working.
We say it often but it’s worth repeating: Cyber threats are real and they’re always changing. The Cloud lets us leverage world-class security services that provide extra defenses to our already secure solutions, and the addition of MFA means your patient records are better protected.
Technical Details
For users wanting more technical information about Accuro Cloud, we’ve created the Accuro Cloud Technical FAQ. In it, you’ll find a Cloud overview as well as answers to common questions about MFA options, identity management, and what users can expect in a Cloud-based environment.
Download Accuro Cloud Technical FAQ
It is time to choose how you will protect your clinic
We’ve created a decision tree that provides a quick visual of the decisions your clinic will need to make, and when to make them, along the path to Accuro Cloud.
View Decision Tree
ACCURO CLOUD Via the Accuro ONE ID, FREE to all Accuro users

Accuro ONE ID is a FREE single-sign on experience with multi-factor authentication (MFA). Every clinic will be able to choose the MFA options available to its users.

To help you decide which tool is right for you, we’ve done a breakdown of the various kinds of MFA tools with a short description of the pros and cons of each.

Create Accuro ONE ID
FEDERATION Through third-party identity management provider
For an additional per user fee, your clinic also has the option to take full user management control with your own federated, identity management provider. If this is something your organization is considering investing in, please review our Enterprise Federation option and fill out the form below to be contacted.
Enterprise Federation Form
Inquire about Federation