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Accuro Resources

When you have support questions, Accuro Resources has answers. Find self-serve support, learn about Accuro features & find skill-building training — all at your fingertips, available when you have time.

Visit Accuro Resources

Live Client Support

24 hour emergency support

Dedicated EMR Customer Service specialists, ready to assist

EMR Migration and Training Specialists

Regular Support Hours
Nova Scotia
9 am - 9 pm AT
8 am - 8 pm ET
7 am - 7 pm CT
7 am - 7 pm CT
6 am - 6 pm MT
British Columbia
5 am - 5 pm PT
Contact Us
Toll-free phone
+1 866 729 8889
Toll-free fax
+1 866 421 9332
Dial # 0
Password reset & multi-factor authentication
Get help with Citrix or Accuro ONE ID passwords, or multi-factor authentication issues.
Dial # 1
Claims and submissions
Get help with billing, submissions, fee codes, or related issues.
Dial # 2
Technical support
Get help with faxing, printing, or scanning issues, or if Accuro is freezing, not opening, or running slowly.
Dial # 3
Labs and special projects
Get help if you're not receiving labs as expected, need help setting up connections to a new lab vendor, or configuring custom lab panels.
Dial # 4
General Configuration
Get help changing your letterhead, working with a schedule template, using the ACCUROgo mobile app, or other general use topics.
Dial # 5
Accuro-integrated Medeo
Get help with Accuro Engage and Medeo features.
Dial # 9
Not sure which option to choose? Talk to the next available agent. They'll record your issue and have the right person call you back.
System Requirements

Hardware requirements and software downloads required to run Accuro EMR

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Leave work on time
with Accuro EMR.

With a busy medical practice, it can be nearly impossible to leave on time AND with your charts done. Accuro EMR supports more quality time with patients and can help you to get your life back. Discover why more than 19,000+ Healthcare Providers trust Accuro to support their teams, their patient care, and their businesses.