
Critical data, all in one place: Accuro for Cardiologists

Accuro puts all the information you need on one screen, giving you quick access to information with less clicking.
Compare patient data at a glance for easy assessment and trending, and use Accuro’s powerful configuration options to create the tools and workflows you need. From waitlists and referrals to time-saving dictation, Accuro is designed to power efficiency.
Discover a smoother rhythm
  • Utilize editable Cardiology forms and templates, built by your peers
  • Access specialized medical history tools developed by your peers: CCS Class, Framingham, and NY Heart Association
  • Convert forms and notes to consult letters, pull in lab values or attach documents easily
  • Compare patient test values on one screen, with one click
  • Take advantage of group billing support
  • Organize waitlists by procedure, urgency, date, patient, or waiting period
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"Accuro EMR makes it easier for you to find the information you are looking for. It is easy to sort and filter documents so that you do not have to look through a patient’s entire chart. Charts can contain anywhere between 60-80 documents and Accuro allows you to easily find a specific document, very quickly. Accuro EMR simplifies our workflow on a daily basis."

Office of Drs. LeMaitre and Valtuille
Vancouver BC

"It was an easy transition. Once we heard Accuro was available, we switched right away. We have now been using Accuro for a very long time and are happy with the results it has provided us with. Accuro is an EMR built for the needs of Cardiology."

Office of Drs. LeMaitre and Valtuille
Vancouver BC

What are you waiting for?
Over 525 Cardiologists and more than 9,500 Specialists in Canada are using Accuro EMR. Join them today.