More Quality Time with Your Patients
Patient check-in at the front desk can quickly cause congestion and tie-up front desk staff from more important duties. If it is a particularly busy period, patients may have to wait in line for long periods of time just to say they have arrived, causing frustration and late appointments. What if there were waiting room solutions that could solve these common issues? Welcome to the Accuro Patient Kiosk.
As technology continues to become an important part of our daily lives, it makes sense to also apply this to the healthcare experience. The Patient Kiosk is integrated with Accuro EMR Software and comes as a free-standing or desktop unit, complete with the technology your clinic needs for patients to check-in unassisted. Patients in Ontario and British Columbia can check-in by swiping their provincial Health Card.
Once patients check-in, you will see them as “Arrived” through the Accuro Scheduler. As well, patients will be automatically added to the waiting room and visible to all staff on the system via Accuro’s Traffic Manager. If a patient checks in without a scheduled appointment, they will be automatically directed to reception for further approval.

Benefits of Accuro Patient Kiosk
Efficient check-in process and shorter wait times. Increased overall patient satisfaction
Gives front desk staff the ability to help the patients who need it
Specific messages can be set to appear during check-in, such as "Due to a recent increase in H1N1 Flu cases we ask that you complete a screening form prior to your visit today."
Necessary forms can be displayed and completed through the Patient Kiosk, automating the administration process
Patient Kiosk is seamlessly integrated with Accuro EMR, ensuring all patient information and notes are transferred securely and confidentially