Start using an EMR built your specialty

An EMR  should  let  you  get  more  from  your  day,  not  get  in  the  way.  Accuro understands your unique workflows has designed clinical tools and customized workflows to make your life easier. You can spend your time where it matters most, get to more patients in a day AND leave with your charts done.

Accuro can help get you there.

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Here’s why Dermatologists love our time-saving clinical tools:

  • View patient allergies, medications, history, and test values all from One screen

  • Write encounter notes and prescriptions... fast

  • Utilize pre-made consult form templates unique to your specialty

  • Instantly convert forms to consult letters

  • Easily digitize and edit your own specialty forms and patient handouts

  • Conveniently manage waitlists by procedure, urgency, date, or patient

Accuro brings you the technology and features set to handle patients more efficiently and strengthen your role in the circle of care.

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